Level VI AC/DC Power Supply Brick. AC Input: 100240V, 2.8A. DC Output: 12V, 9A, 108W. Requires:DC line cord for running multislot cradles from a single LEVEL VI Power Supply and AC Line Cord, 7.5ft. , 2.3m Long, Grounded, Thr...
WT6000 USB/Charging Cable. Allows To Communicate Via USB and Charge the Wearable Terminal. Requires Power Supply PWR-BUA5V16W0WW, DC Cable CBL-DC-383A1-01 and Country Specific 2-ire Ungrounded AC Line Cord...
MC21 USB Active Sync Cable, connects the mobile computer to a host computer USB port. Power Supply PWRBUA5V16W0WW, DC Line Cord CBLDC383A101 and country specific 2wire ungrounded AC Line Cord...
MC55/65/67: USB Charge and Communication Cable from the Terminal to Host system. Charging requires Power Supply PWRBUA5V16W0WW, DC cable CBLDC383A101, and country specific two wire ungrounded AC power line cord...
DC Line Cord for Running the Single Slot Cradles or Battery Chargers from a Single Level VI Power Supply PWR-BGA12V50W0WW, Level VI Replacement for PWRS-14000-148R...